FRIEND TO FRIEND – Three Great Lights 104 – Open to all district Lodges
May 10 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Three Great Lights No. 104 in Delhi is hosting a “Friend to Friend” event Saturday May 10th from 2:00 to 4:30 pm at a cost of $10.00 per person (with a cap of 60 maximum). Bring someone out that might want to join our craft at your lodge or ours. Think about a young person in your family or social circle. Remember : 2 be one….. ask 1 is our theme! This event is open to Wilson District. The event will start with appetizers and drinks followed by a short session in the lodge room. In conclusion we will have desserts downstairs. if you so wish, you could go to Ramblin’ Road brewery afterwards at 2970 Swimming Pool Rd, La Salette (just south of Delhi). If you are interested, please inform Ken Guiler (secretary_tgl104@execulink.com) so tickets can be arranged.