District Association

The object of the Wilson District Masonic Association is to further knowledge of Freemasonry
by presentations, discussion of topics and activities of relevance to Wilson District Freemasons.
Regular meetings of the Association shall be the Fall Meeting held on the last Wednesday of
October, the Spring Meeting held on the last Wednesday of March and the Annual Meeting held
on the last Wednesday of May. Additional meeting dates may be designated by the Executive
Committee of the Association as necessary or as required. At the meeting in October, being the
Annual Meeting of the Association, the Executive Officers of the Association and two Auditors
shall be elected by members in good standing present.

President: Allison Gowling
First Vice: Ian Chappell
Second Vice: Gord Lessor
Treasurer: Bert Hooftman
Secretary: Michael Segui

Breakfast with R.W. Jamie R. Ireland – Deputy Grand Master – January 27, 2024