Anniversary & Re-dedication of Woodstock Masonic Centre.
100 years in Woodstock Masonic Building Celebration – January 9, 2023
The three Woodstock Lodges, King Solomon’s No. 43, Oxford No. 76 and Mercer Wilson No. 678 commemorated the 100th anniversary of the dedication of their lodge building. In February 1921, the Masons of Woodstock purchased these present facilities, which was the Buckingham Hotel, and had been owned by Bro. R.H. Reid, of King Solomon’s Lodge no. 43. The 1st meeting held in our new Lodge Room was the Ceremony of Installation of Oxford No. 76, held on December 27th, 1921. Our Temple was Dedicated Jan. 10Th 1923, by Grand Master W.N. Ponton, Belleville Ontario. On January 9, 2023 the building was re-dedicated under the auspices of R.W. Bro. Jamie R. Ireland – Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario.
l-r:W.Bro Bill Mayes-Mercer Wilson No 678 W.Bro. Paul Leroy-Oxford No 76 R.W. Bro. John Ault-King Solomon’s 43 M.W. Bro. David Cameron R.W. Ian Chappell D.D.G.M. Wilson District R.W. Jamie Ireland D.G.MR.W. Bro. Michael SteeleV.W. Bro. Scott NaisbittM.W. Bro. Allan Petrisor
Grand Lodge officers and special guests:Lorie Benny& Lynne Atkinson – Order of the Eastern star. Karen Houston-Woodstock Museum. Jacqueline Thompson-Woodstock public Library.
Grand Lodge officers and members of Oxford No 76Grand Lodge officers and members of King Solomon’s No 43Grand Lodge officers and members of Mercer Wilson No 678Bringing in the guests Director of Ceremonies – R.W.Bro. Murray Coulter– explanation of Lodge & G.L. history to guests.R.W. Bro. Jamie R. Ireland-Deputy Grand Master – Explanation of Corn, Wine and Oil –Re-dedication ceremony.Wilson District D.D.G.M. – R.W. Bro Ian G. Chappell assisting in re-dedicationceremony.R.W. Bro. John Ault -History of previous Woodstock Lodge Locations.W.Bro. Paul Leroy – History of present Building.W.Bro. Bill Mayes – Explanation of present day facilitiesHead table – Banquet hall social hour. L-R: J.F. Sutherland – Ian Chappell – Jamie.R. Ireland – Paul Leroy – Allan J. Petrisor – David J. Cameron – Anthony Scalisi At Refreshment